
To be a Leading Reinsurance and Risk Solution Provider in Africa and to support parent’s global strategy


Building long-term mutually beneficial relationship with business partners

Practicing fair business ethics and values

Applying ‘state-of-the-art’ technology, processes including enterprise risk management and innovative solutions

Developing and retaining highly motivated professional team of employees

Enhancing profitability and financial strength befitting the global position

Redefining service delivery mechanism and attitude in the region

History in Brief

This company was incorporated on 24th November, 1956 as SWEDISH ATLAS REINSURANCE COMPANY OF SOUTH AFRICA LTD registered with Registrar of Companies at Pretoria under No 56/3037

The ownership changed and this company was renamed as Gerling Global Reinsurance Company of South Africa Ltd 3rd Day of March, 1962.

The ownership was again changed and the company was renamed as Saxum Reinsurance Ltd on the 12th day of November, 2003.

The Saxum Reinsurance Ltd was acquired by General Insurance Corporation of India and renamed as GIC Re South Africa Ltd on the 11th day of August 2014.

Board of Directors

Executive Management

Board Committees

Finance & Investment Committee

Mr. Jonathan Bagg (Chair)

Mr. Sanjay R Bhikha

 Ms. Fundiswa Roji

Mr. V Balkrishna

Audit Committee

Mr. Sanjay R Bhikha (Chair)

Mr. Jonathan Bagg

Ms. Nazley Sallie

Ms. Fundiswa Roji

Social & Ethics Committee

Mr. N Ramaswamy(Chair)

Mr. Jonathan Bagg

Ms. Nazley Sallie

Ms. Fundiswa Rosi

Mr. Jetho Jhamnani

Remuneration Committee

Ms. Nazley Sallie (Chair)

Mr. Sanjay R Bhikha

Mr. V Balkrishna

Mr. Fundiswa Roji

Risk Committee

Mr. Sanjay R Bhikha (Chair)

Mr. Jonathan Bagg

Ms. Nazley Sallie

Mr. V. Balkrishna

Mr. Jetho Jhamnani

Parent Company

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